Measurement & reporting

Putting you in control

Track how suppliers are managing your data, view threats and risks, monitor staff compliance in real time and much more. provides the insights you need to drive continuous improvement and growth.

See it for yourself
Measurement & Reporting features in

Measuring and reporting on your management system is important for keeping track of progress and demonstrating it to stakeholders. simplifies this process by bringing everything into one secure place, making it easy to see how all the different parts of your management system work together in real-time.

Make better decisions

Our platform also allows you to control your data and make better decisions. You can see live insights displayed on the management system dashboard, view and prioritize outstanding actions, and use our policy packs add-on to keep track of who has read and understood your policies.

Create reports in a few clicks

Use to create the reports you need in minutes. You can organize your work by grouping key elements of your management system and easily create new areas for your procedures. You can also set KPIs to measure performance against your management system goals.

Communicate and share with ease

You can easily share information about your management system with stakeholders, including policy pack compliance, risk status, and policies & controls progress. You can invite team stakeholders and colleagues into the platform to view reports themselves and export report information where required.

Helping you achieve ISO 27001 is designed to help you meet the requirements of ISO 27001. You can use the ISMS overview report to show relationships across assets, risks and controls and identify gaps, save time through our automated Statement of Applicability, and easily measure your objectives to meet clause 6.2, as well as clauses 6.9 and 10 with our measurement and reporting capabilities. groups together all of the different aspects of obtaining ISO 27001 certification and makes everything easy to manage from one single platform.
Head of Infrastructure & Security, Training Provider
Key Features
  • Get real-time data and monitoring on your ISMS
  • Leverage advanced analytics to identify areas of improvement
  • Track and manage outstanding security instances or risks
  • Monitor staff and supplier compliance
  • Set KPIs to measure performance against your goals

Ready to see
in action?

Say hello to your compliance toolkit


Easy Asset Management

Select assets from the Asset Bank and create your Asset Inventory with ease

Dynamic Risk Management

Effortlessly address threats & opportunities and dynamically report on performance

Perfect Policies & Controls

Easily collaborate, create and show you are on top of your documentation at all times

Fast, Seamless Integrations

Out of the box integrations with your other key business systems to simplify your compliance

Mapping & Linking Work

Shine a light on critical relationships and elegantly link areas such as assets, risks, controls and suppliers

Public API

Seamlessly integrate with key platforms to simplify your compliance by using’s Public API


Staff Compliance Assurance

Engage staff, suppliers and others with dynamic end-to-end compliance at all times

Interested Party Management

Visually map and manage interested parties to ensure their needs are clearly addressed

Clear Reporting

Make better decisions and show you are in control with dashboards, KPIs and related reporting

Localised for your needs

Need ISO 27001 policies and controls in French, German and Spanish? We’ve got you covered

DORA is here! Supercharge your digital resilience today with our powerful new solution!