ISO 27002:2022, Control 8.9 – Configuration Management

ISO 27002:2022 Revised Controls

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Purpose of Control 8.9

Configurations – whether acting as a single config file, or a group of configurations linked together – are the underlying parameters that govern how hardware, software and even entire networks are managed.

As an example, a firewall’s configuration file will hold the baseline attributes that the device uses to manage traffic to and from an organisation’s network, including block lists, port forwarding, virtual LANs and VPN information.

Configuration management is an integral part of an organisation’s broader asset management operation. Configurations are key in ensuring that a network is not only operating as it should be, but also in securing devices against unauthorised changes or incorrect amendments on the part of maintenance staff and/or vendors.

Attributes Table

Control 8.9 is a preventative control that maintains risk by establishing a series of policies that govern how an organisation documents, implements, monitors and reviews the use of configurations across its entire network.

Ownership of Control 8.9

Configuration management is solely an administrative task that deals with the maintenance and monitoring of asset-side information and data that is resident on a broad range of devices and applications. As such, ownership should reside with the Head of IT, or organisational equivalent.

Control Type Information Security PropertiesCybersecurity ConceptsOperational CapabilitiesSecurity Domains
#Protect#Secure Configuration#Protection
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General Guidance on Compliance

On the whole, organisation’s need to draft and implement configuration management policies for both new systems and hardware, and any that are already in use. Internal controls should include business critical elements such as security configurations, all hardware that holds a configuration file and any relevant software applications or systems.

Control 8.9 asks organisations to consider all relevant roles and responsibilities when implementing a configuration policy, including the delegated ownership of configurations on a device-by-device, or application-by-application basis.

Guidance – Standard Templates

Where possible, organisations should use standardised templates to secure all hardware, software and systems. Templates should:

  1. Attempt to utilise publicly available, vendor-specific and/or open source guidance on how best to configure hardware and software assets.
  2. Meet minimum security requirements for the device, application or system that they are applicable to.
  3. Work in harmony with the organisation’s broader information security efforts, including all relevant ISO controls.
  4. Keep in mind the organisation’s unique business requirements – especially where security configurations are concerned – including how feasible it is to apply or manage a template at any given time.
  5. Be reviewed at appropriate intervals in order to cater for system and/or hardware updates, or any prevailing security threats.

Guidance – Security Controls

Security is paramount when applying configuration templates, or amending existing templates in line with the above guidance.

When considering standard templates for use across the organisation, in order to minimise any information security risks organisations should:

  1. Keep the number of users with administrator privileges to a minimum.
  2. Disable any unused or unnecessary identities.
  3. Closely monitor access to maintenance programs, utility applications and internal settings.
  4. Ensure that clocks are synchronised in order to log configuration correctly, and assist in any future investigations.
  5. Immediately change any default passwords or default security settings that are supplied with any device, service or application.
  6. Implement a default logoff period for any devices, systems or applications that have been left dormant for a specified period of time.
  7. Ensure that all licensing requirements have been met (see Control 5.32).

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Guidance – Managing and Monitoring Configurations

An organisation has a responsibility to maintain and store configurations, including keeping an audit trail of any amendments or new installations, in line with a published change management process (see Control 8.32).

Logs should contain information that outlines:

  1. Who owns the asset.
  2. A timestamp for the latest configuration change.
  3. The current version of the configuration template.
  4. Any relevant information that explains the assets relationship with configurations held on other devices or systems.

Organisations should deploy a wide range of techniques to monitor the operation of configuration files across their network, including:

  1. Automation.
  2. Specialised configuration maintenance programs.
  3. Remote support tools that auto-populate configuration information on a device-by-device basis.
  4. Enterprise device and software management utilities that are designed to monitor large amounts of configuration data at once.
  5. BUDR software that automatically backs up configurations to a secure location, and restores templates either remotely or onsite to compromised and/or malfunctioning devices.

Organisations should configure specialised software to track any changes in a device’s configuration, and take appropriate action to address the amendment as soon as possible, either by validating the change or reverting the configuration back to its original state.

Supporting Guidelines

  • 5.32
  • 8.32

Changes and Differences from ISO 27002:2013

None. Control 8.9 has no precedent in ISO 27002:2013 as it is new.

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New Controls

ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Control IdentifierISO/IEC 27002:2013 Control IdentifierControl Name
5.7NewThreat intelligence
5.23NewInformation security for use of cloud services
5.30NewICT readiness for business continuity
7.4NewPhysical security monitoring
8.9NewConfiguration management
8.10NewInformation deletion
8.11NewData masking
8.12NewData leakage prevention
8.16NewMonitoring activities
8.23NewWeb filtering
8.28NewSecure coding

Organisational Controls

ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Control IdentifierISO/IEC 27002:2013 Control IdentifierControl Name, 05.1.2Policies for information security security roles and responsibilities
5.306.1.2Segregation of duties
5.407.2.1Management responsibilities
5.506.1.3Contact with authorities
5.606.1.4Contact with special interest groups
5.7NewThreat intelligence
5.806.1.5, 14.1.1Information security in project management
5.908.1.1, 08.1.2Inventory of information and other associated assets
5.1008.1.3, 08.2.3Acceptable use of information and other associated assets
5.1108.1.4Return of assets
5.12 08.2.1Classification of information
5.1308.2.2Labelling of information
5.1413.2.1, 13.2.2, 13.2.3Information transfer
5.1509.1.1, 09.1.2Access control
5.1609.2.1Identity management
5.17 09.2.4, 09.3.1, 09.4.3Authentication information
5.1809.2.2, 09.2.5, 09.2.6Access rights
5.1915.1.1Information security in supplier relationships
5.2015.1.2Addressing information security within supplier agreements
5.2115.1.3Managing information security in the ICT supply chain
5.2215.2.1, 15.2.2Monitoring, review and change management of supplier services
5.23NewInformation security for use of cloud services
5.2416.1.1Information security incident management planning and preparation
5.2516.1.4Assessment and decision on information security events
5.2616.1.5Response to information security incidents
5.2716.1.6Learning from information security incidents
5.2816.1.7Collection of evidence
5.2917.1.1, 17.1.2, 17.1.3Information security during disruption
5.30NewICT readiness for business continuity
5.3118.1.1, 18.1.5Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements
5.3218.1.2Intellectual property rights
5.3318.1.3Protection of records
5.3418.1.4Privacy and protection of PII
5.3518.2.1Independent review of information security
5.3618.2.2, 18.2.3Compliance with policies, rules and standards for information security
5.3712.1.1Documented operating procedures

People Controls

ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Control IdentifierISO/IEC 27002:2013 Control IdentifierControl Name and conditions of employment
6.307.2.2Information security awareness, education and training
6.407.2.3Disciplinary process
6.507.3.1Responsibilities after termination or change of employment
6.613.2.4Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
6.706.2.2Remote working
6.816.1.2, 16.1.3Information security event reporting

Physical Controls

ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Control IdentifierISO/IEC 27002:2013 Control IdentifierControl Name security perimeters, 11.1.6Physical entry
7.311.1.3Securing offices, rooms and facilities
7.4NewPhysical security monitoring
7.511.1.4Protecting against physical and environmental threats
7.611.1.5Working in secure areas
7.711.2.9Clear desk and clear screen
7.811.2.1Equipment siting and protection
7.911.2.6Security of assets off-premises
7.1008.3.1, 08.3.2, 08.3.3, 11.2.5Storage media
7.1111.2.2Supporting utilities
7.1211.2.3Cabling security
7.1311.2.4Equipment maintenance
7.1411.2.7Secure disposal or re-use of equipment

Technological Controls

ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Control IdentifierISO/IEC 27002:2013 Control IdentifierControl Name, 11.2.8User endpoint devices access rights
8.309.4.1Information access restriction
8.409.4.5Access to source code
8.509.4.2Secure authentication
8.612.1.3Capacity management
8.712.2.1Protection against malware
8.812.6.1, 18.2.3Management of technical vulnerabilities
8.9NewConfiguration management
8.10NewInformation deletion
8.11NewData masking
8.12NewData leakage prevention
8.1312.3.1Information backup
8.1417.2.1Redundancy of information processing facilities
8.1512.4.1, 12.4.2, 12.4.3Logging
8.16NewMonitoring activities
8.1712.4.4Clock synchronization
8.1809.4.4Use of privileged utility programs
8.1912.5.1, 12.6.2Installation of software on operational systems
8.2013.1.1Networks security
8.2113.1.2Security of network services
8.2213.1.3Segregation of networks
8.23NewWeb filtering
8.2410.1.1, 10.1.2Use of cryptography
8.2514.2.1Secure development life cycle
8.2614.1.2, 14.1.3Application security requirements
8.2714.2.5Secure system architecture and engineering principles
8.28NewSecure coding
8.2914.2.8, 14.2.9Security testing in development and acceptance
8.3014.2.7Outsourced development
8.3112.1.4, 14.2.6Separation of development, test and production environments
8.3212.1.2, 14.2.2, 14.2.3, 14.2.4Change management
8.3314.3.1Test information
8.3412.7.1Protection of information systems during audit testing
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