ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.32

Intellectual Property Rights

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What Is The Purpose of Annex A 5.32?

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.32 describes the steps organisations need to take to ensure compliance with intellectual property (IP) rights, including using proprietary software purchased, subscribed to, or leased from a third party.

According to ISO, intellectual property rights fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Trademark rights.
  • Patents.
  • Source code licences.
  • Software copyright.
  • Document copyright.
  • Design rights.

“Legal, statutory, regulatory or contractual” agreements often place restrictions on the use of proprietary software, including restrictions on copying, extracting, or reverse-engineering the source code. ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.32 does not cover situations where the organisation is the IP holder but focuses instead on their obligations towards third parties whose intellectual property rights are covered by licence agreements, data sharing agreements, etc.

Copyright and/or IP infringement can lead to severe financial & legal consequences for any organisation that wilfully or unwittingly breaches an agreement. For this reason, Annex A 5.32 should be given adequate consideration in order to avoid any unnecessary business interruptions or information security incidents.

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General Guidance on Annex A 5.32

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.32 is a preventive control that maintains risk by enforcing procedures that ensure that the business remains compliant with any prevailing IP or copyright requirements, including mitigating the risk that employees will not adhere to their own obligations.

According to Annex A 5.32, organisations should consider the following guidelines when safeguarding data, software, or assets that might be regarded as intellectual property:

  1. Protecting IP rights on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with their unique operational requirements by implementing a “topic-specific” policy.
  2. To remain compliant with IP standards, publish and communicate procedures that categorically define how software and ICT products should be operated.
  3. To avoid any inadvertent copyright breaches, acquire software from reputable sources.
  4. Identification of ICT assets with IP requirements using an organisational asset register.
  5. The organisation should be able to provide proof of ownership at any time, including physical and electronic licensing documents, communications, and files.
  6. Complying with software usage limits, including concurrent users, virtual resources and more.
  7. Through periodic reviews, ensure the organisation’s ICT estate doesn’t contain any unlicensed or unauthorised software.
  8. Keep licenses up-to-date through operational and financial procedures.
  9. Provide safe, responsible, and legally compliant practices for the transfer or disposal of software assets.
  10. Ensure that any software acquired from the public domain complies with the terms and conditions and fair use guidelines.
  11. Any commercial recordings used by the organisation may not be extracted, copied, converted, or manipulated in any way that is not specified within the software’s terms and conditions (including licensing) or by prevailing copyright laws.
  12. Observing and respecting the copyright laws or licensing terms of textual data, such as standards, books, articles, and reports.

What Are the Changes From ISO 27001:2013?

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.32 replaces ISO 27001:2013 Annex A 18.1.2 (Intellectual Property Rights).

Generally speaking, ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.31 contains the same set of guidelines as its 2013 counterpart, with two minor changes:

  1. ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.31 provides advice on how to manage IP-related issues under a data-sharing agreement.
  2. ISO 27001:2013 Annex A 18.1.2 does not mention the residual benefits to organisations seeking to manage employee behaviour toward IP agreements and using software.

Table of All ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Controls

In the table below you’ll find more information on each individual ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control.

ISO 27001:2022 Organisational Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.1Annex A 5.1.1
Annex A 5.1.2
Policies for Information Security
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.2Annex A 6.1.1Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.3Annex A 6.1.2Segregation of Duties
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.4Annex A 7.2.1Management Responsibilities
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.5Annex A 6.1.3Contact With Authorities
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.6Annex A 6.1.4Contact With Special Interest Groups
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.7NEWThreat Intelligence
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.8Annex A 6.1.5
Annex A 14.1.1
Information Security in Project Management
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.9Annex A 8.1.1
Annex A 8.1.2
Inventory of Information and Other Associated Assets
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.10Annex A 8.1.3
Annex A 8.2.3
Acceptable Use of Information and Other Associated Assets
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.11Annex A 8.1.4Return of Assets
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.12Annex A 8.2.1Classification of Information
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.13Annex A 8.2.2Labelling of Information
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.14Annex A 13.2.1
Annex A 13.2.2
Annex A 13.2.3
Information Transfer
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.15Annex A 9.1.1
Annex A 9.1.2
Access Control
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.16Annex A 9.2.1Identity Management
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.17Annex A 9.2.4
Annex A 9.3.1
Annex A 9.4.3
Authentication Information
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.18Annex A 9.2.2
Annex A 9.2.5
Annex A 9.2.6
Access Rights
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.19Annex A 15.1.1Information Security in Supplier Relationships
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.20Annex A 15.1.2Addressing Information Security Within Supplier Agreements
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.21Annex A 15.1.3Managing Information Security in the ICT Supply Chain
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.22Annex A 15.2.1
Annex A 15.2.2
Monitoring, Review and Change Management of Supplier Services
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.23NEWInformation Security for Use of Cloud Services
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.24Annex A 16.1.1Information Security Incident Management Planning and Preparation
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.25Annex A 16.1.4Assessment and Decision on Information Security Events
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.26Annex A 16.1.5Response to Information Security Incidents
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.27Annex A 16.1.6Learning From Information Security Incidents
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.28Annex A 16.1.7Collection of Evidence
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.29Annex A 17.1.1
Annex A 17.1.2
Annex A 17.1.3
Information Security During Disruption
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.30NEWICT Readiness for Business Continuity
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.31Annex A 18.1.1
Annex A 18.1.5
Legal, Statutory, Regulatory and Contractual Requirements
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.32Annex A 18.1.2Intellectual Property Rights
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.33Annex A 18.1.3Protection of Records
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.34 Annex A 18.1.4Privacy and Protection of PII
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.35Annex A 18.2.1Independent Review of Information Security
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.36Annex A 18.2.2
Annex A 18.2.3
Compliance With Policies, Rules and Standards for Information Security
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.37Annex A 12.1.1Documented Operating Procedures

ISO 27001:2022 People Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
People ControlsAnnex A 6.1Annex A 7.1.1Screening
People ControlsAnnex A 6.2Annex A 7.1.2Terms and Conditions of Employment
People ControlsAnnex A 6.3Annex A 7.2.2Information Security Awareness, Education and Training
People ControlsAnnex A 6.4Annex A 7.2.3Disciplinary Process
People ControlsAnnex A 6.5Annex A 7.3.1Responsibilities After Termination or Change of Employment
People ControlsAnnex A 6.6Annex A 13.2.4Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreements
People ControlsAnnex A 6.7Annex A 6.2.2Remote Working
People ControlsAnnex A 6.8Annex A 16.1.2
Annex A 16.1.3
Information Security Event Reporting

ISO 27001:2022 Physical Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.1Annex A 11.1.1Physical Security Perimeters
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.2Annex A 11.1.2
Annex A 11.1.6
Physical Entry
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.3Annex A 11.1.3Securing Offices, Rooms and Facilities
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.4NEWPhysical Security Monitoring
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.5Annex A 11.1.4Protecting Against Physical and Environmental Threats
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.6Annex A 11.1.5Working In Secure Areas
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.7Annex A 11.2.9Clear Desk and Clear Screen
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.8Annex A 11.2.1Equipment Siting and Protection
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.9Annex A 11.2.6Security of Assets Off-Premises
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.10Annex A 8.3.1
Annex A 8.3.2
Annex A 8.3.3
Annex A 11.2.5
Storage Media
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.11Annex A 11.2.2Supporting Utilities
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.12Annex A 11.2.3Cabling Security
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.13Annex A 11.2.4Equipment Maintenance
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.14Annex A 11.2.7Secure Disposal or Re-Use of Equipment

ISO 27001:2022 Technological Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.1Annex A 6.2.1
Annex A 11.2.8
User Endpoint Devices
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.2Annex A 9.2.3Privileged Access Rights
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.3Annex A 9.4.1Information Access Restriction
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.4Annex A 9.4.5Access to Source Code
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.5Annex A 9.4.2Secure Authentication
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.6Annex A 12.1.3Capacity Management
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.7Annex A 12.2.1Protection Against Malware
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.8Annex A 12.6.1
Annex A 18.2.3
Management of Technical Vulnerabilities
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.9NEWConfiguration Management
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.10NEWInformation Deletion
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.11NEWData Masking
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.12NEWData Leakage Prevention
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.13Annex A 12.3.1Information Backup
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.14Annex A 17.2.1Redundancy of Information Processing Facilities
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.15Annex A 12.4.1
Annex A 12.4.2
Annex A 12.4.3
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.16NEWMonitoring Activities
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.17Annex A 12.4.4Clock Synchronization
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.18Annex A 9.4.4Use of Privileged Utility Programs
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.19Annex A 12.5.1
Annex A 12.6.2
Installation of Software on Operational Systems
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.20Annex A 13.1.1Networks Security
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.21Annex A 13.1.2Security of Network Services
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.22Annex A 13.1.3Segregation of Networks
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.23NEWWeb filtering
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.24Annex A 10.1.1
Annex A 10.1.2
Use of Cryptography
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.25Annex A 14.2.1Secure Development Life Cycle
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.26Annex A 14.1.2
Annex A 14.1.3
Application Security Requirements
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.27Annex A 14.2.5Secure System Architecture and Engineering Principles
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.28NEWSecure Coding
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.29Annex A 14.2.8
Annex A 14.2.9
Security Testing in Development and Acceptance
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.30Annex A 14.2.7Outsourced Development
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.31Annex A 12.1.4
Annex A 14.2.6
Separation of Development, Test and Production Environments
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.32Annex A 12.1.2
Annex A 14.2.2
Annex A 14.2.3
Annex A 14.2.4
Change Management
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.33Annex A 14.3.1Test Information
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.34Annex A 12.7.1Protection of Information Systems During Audit Testing

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