ISO 27001:2022 Control 5.17 Explained: Safeguarding Authentication Data

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.17 states that authentication information should be kept secure.

This means that organisations must take appropriate steps to protect user credentials, such as passwords and security questions, from unauthorised access. They must also ensure that users are able to access the system with their credentials in a secure manner. Furthermore, organisations should also make sure that users can reset their credentials when necessary.

Authentication details (passwords, encryption keys and card chips) provide entry to information systems containing sensitive data.

Poor handling of authentication information can lead to unauthorised access to data systems and the loss of confidentiality, availability, and integrity of sensitive data.

What Is the Purpose of ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.17?

Annex A Control 5.17 allows organisations to effectively allocate and manage authentication information, avoiding breakdowns in the authentication process and guarding against security threats that could result from the manipulation of authentication information.

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Ownership of Annex A 5.17

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.17 requires the establishment and implementation of organisation-wide rules, procedures, and measures for the allocation and management of authentication information. Information security officers should ensure compliance with this control.

Annex A 5.17 Guidance on Allocation of Authentication Information

Organisations should adhere to these six requirements for the allotment and administration of authentication information:

  • Upon enrolment of new users, automatically generated personal passwords and personal identification numbers must be non-guessable. Additionally, each user must have a unique password and it is obligatory to change passwords after initial use.
  • Organisations should have solid processes to check a user’s identity before they are given new or replacement authentication info, or are provided with temporary info.
  • Organisations should guarantee the secure transmission of authentication details to individuals via secure pathways, and must not send such information over unsecure electronic messages (e.g. plain text).
  • Users must ensure they have received the authentication details.
  • Organisations should act quickly after installing new IT systems and software, altering the default authentication details straight away.
  • Organisations ought to set up and persistently keep records of all significant events in relation to the management and allocation of authentication information. These records must be kept private and methods of record-keeping should be authorised, e.g. with the use of an authorised password tool.

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Annex A 5.17 Guidance on User Responsibilities

Users with access to authentication information should be instructed to adhere to the following:

  • Users must keep secret authentication information such as passwords confidential and must not share it with anyone else. When multiple users are involved in the use of authentication information or the information is linked to non-personal entities, they must not disclose it to unauthorised individuals.
  • Users must switch their passwords straight away if the secrecy of their passwords has been breached.
  • Users should select hard-to-guess, strong passwords in compliance with industry standards. For example:
    • Passwords should not be based on personal information that can be easily obtained, such as names or birthdates.
    • Passwords should not be founded on information that can be readily guessed.
    • Passwords must not comprise of words or sequences of words that are common.
    • Use alphanumerics and special characters in your password.
    • Passwords should have a minimum length requirement.
  • Users must not employ the same password for various services.
  • Organisations should have their employees accept the responsibility for creating and using passwords in their employment contracts.

Annex A 5.17 Guidance on Password Management Systems

Organisations should observe the following when setting up a password management system:

  • Users should have the ability to create and modify their passwords, with a verification procedure in place to detect and rectify any mistakes when entering data.
  • Organisations should abide by industry best practices when developing a robust password selection process.
  • Users must change their default passwords upon first accessing a system.
  • It’s essential to change passwords when appropriate. For instance, after a security incident or when an employee leaves their job, and had access to passwords, a password change is necessary.
  • Previous passwords should not be recycled.
  • The use of passwords that are widely known, or have been accessed in a breach of security, should not be permitted for accessing any hacked systems.
  • When passwords are inputted, they should be displayed on the screen in clear text.
  • Passwords must be transmitted and stored through secure channels in a secure format.

Organisations should also implement hashing and encryption procedures in line with the approved cryptographic methods for passwords stated in Annex A Control 8.24 of ISO 27001:2022.

Supplementary Guidance on Annex A Control 5.17

In addition to passwords, other forms of authentication, such as cryptographic keys, smart cards, and biometric data like fingerprints.

Organisations should look to the ISO/IEC 24760 series for further advice on authentication data.

Considering the hassle and annoyance of regularly changing passwords, organisations may consider alternatives such as single sign-on or password vaults. It should be noted, however, that these options increase the risk of confidential authentication information being exposed to unauthorised parties.

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Changes and Differences from ISO 27001:2013

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A 5.17 is the replacement for ISO 27001:2013 Annex A 9.2.4, 9.3.1 and 9.4.3.

ISO 27001:2022 Contains a New Requirement for Allocation and Management of Authentication Information

In 2013, the requirements for allocating and managing authentication information were very similar. However, ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.17 introduced a requirement that was not present in 2013.

Organisations must create and maintain records for all significant events associated with the management and distribution of authentication info. These records should be kept confidential, with authorised record-keeping techniques, for example, the use of an accepted password tool.

The 2022 Version Contains an Additional Requirement for Use of Authentication Information

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.17 introduces a requirement for user responsibilities that wasn’t specified in Control 9.3.1 of the 2013 version.

Organisations should include password requirements in their contracts with employees and staff. Such requirements should cover the creation and use of passwords.

ISO 27001:2013 Contained an Additional Requirements for User Responsibilities That Was Not Included in the 2022 Version

In comparison to the 2022 Version, Control 9.3.1 contained the following mandate for the employment of authentication data:

Users ought not to employ the same authentication details, for example a password, for both work and non-work purposes.

ISO 27001:2013 Contained an Additional Requirement for Password Management Systems That Was Not Included in the 2022 Version

Control 9.4.3 of the 2013 Version requires that password management systems must:

Ensure files with passwords should be held on a different system to the one hosting application data.

ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.17 does not require this.

Table of All ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Controls

In the table below you’ll find more information on each individual ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control.

ISO 27001:2022 Organisational Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.1Annex A 5.1.1
Annex A 5.1.2
Policies for Information Security
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.2Annex A 6.1.1Information Security Roles and Responsibilities
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.3Annex A 6.1.2Segregation of Duties
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.4Annex A 7.2.1Management Responsibilities
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.5Annex A 6.1.3Contact With Authorities
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.6Annex A 6.1.4Contact With Special Interest Groups
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.7NEWThreat Intelligence
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.8Annex A 6.1.5
Annex A 14.1.1
Information Security in Project Management
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.9Annex A 8.1.1
Annex A 8.1.2
Inventory of Information and Other Associated Assets
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.10Annex A 8.1.3
Annex A 8.2.3
Acceptable Use of Information and Other Associated Assets
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.11Annex A 8.1.4Return of Assets
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.12Annex A 8.2.1Classification of Information
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.13Annex A 8.2.2Labelling of Information
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.14Annex A 13.2.1
Annex A 13.2.2
Annex A 13.2.3
Information Transfer
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.15Annex A 9.1.1
Annex A 9.1.2
Access Control
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.16Annex A 9.2.1Identity Management
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.17Annex A 9.2.4
Annex A 9.3.1
Annex A 9.4.3
Authentication Information
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.18Annex A 9.2.2
Annex A 9.2.5
Annex A 9.2.6
Access Rights
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.19Annex A 15.1.1Information Security in Supplier Relationships
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.20Annex A 15.1.2Addressing Information Security Within Supplier Agreements
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.21Annex A 15.1.3Managing Information Security in the ICT Supply Chain
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.22Annex A 15.2.1
Annex A 15.2.2
Monitoring, Review and Change Management of Supplier Services
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.23NEWInformation Security for Use of Cloud Services
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.24Annex A 16.1.1Information Security Incident Management Planning and Preparation
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.25Annex A 16.1.4Assessment and Decision on Information Security Events
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.26Annex A 16.1.5Response to Information Security Incidents
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.27Annex A 16.1.6Learning From Information Security Incidents
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.28Annex A 16.1.7Collection of Evidence
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.29Annex A 17.1.1
Annex A 17.1.2
Annex A 17.1.3
Information Security During Disruption
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.30NEWICT Readiness for Business Continuity
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.31Annex A 18.1.1
Annex A 18.1.5
Legal, Statutory, Regulatory and Contractual Requirements
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.32Annex A 18.1.2Intellectual Property Rights
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.33Annex A 18.1.3Protection of Records
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.34 Annex A 18.1.4Privacy and Protection of PII
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.35Annex A 18.2.1Independent Review of Information Security
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.36Annex A 18.2.2
Annex A 18.2.3
Compliance With Policies, Rules and Standards for Information Security
Organisational ControlsAnnex A 5.37Annex A 12.1.1Documented Operating Procedures

ISO 27001:2022 People Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
People ControlsAnnex A 6.1Annex A 7.1.1Screening
People ControlsAnnex A 6.2Annex A 7.1.2Terms and Conditions of Employment
People ControlsAnnex A 6.3Annex A 7.2.2Information Security Awareness, Education and Training
People ControlsAnnex A 6.4Annex A 7.2.3Disciplinary Process
People ControlsAnnex A 6.5Annex A 7.3.1Responsibilities After Termination or Change of Employment
People ControlsAnnex A 6.6Annex A 13.2.4Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreements
People ControlsAnnex A 6.7Annex A 6.2.2Remote Working
People ControlsAnnex A 6.8Annex A 16.1.2
Annex A 16.1.3
Information Security Event Reporting

ISO 27001:2022 Physical Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.1Annex A 11.1.1Physical Security Perimeters
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.2Annex A 11.1.2
Annex A 11.1.6
Physical Entry
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.3Annex A 11.1.3Securing Offices, Rooms and Facilities
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.4NEWPhysical Security Monitoring
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.5Annex A 11.1.4Protecting Against Physical and Environmental Threats
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.6Annex A 11.1.5Working In Secure Areas
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.7Annex A 11.2.9Clear Desk and Clear Screen
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.8Annex A 11.2.1Equipment Siting and Protection
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.9Annex A 11.2.6Security of Assets Off-Premises
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.10Annex A 8.3.1
Annex A 8.3.2
Annex A 8.3.3
Annex A 11.2.5
Storage Media
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.11Annex A 11.2.2Supporting Utilities
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.12Annex A 11.2.3Cabling Security
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.13Annex A 11.2.4Equipment Maintenance
Physical ControlsAnnex A 7.14Annex A 11.2.7Secure Disposal or Re-Use of Equipment

ISO 27001:2022 Technological Controls

Annex A Control TypeISO/IEC 27001:2022 Annex A IdentifierISO/IEC 27001:2013 Annex A IdentifierAnnex A Name
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.1Annex A 6.2.1
Annex A 11.2.8
User Endpoint Devices
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.2Annex A 9.2.3Privileged Access Rights
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.3Annex A 9.4.1Information Access Restriction
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.4Annex A 9.4.5Access to Source Code
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.5Annex A 9.4.2Secure Authentication
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.6Annex A 12.1.3Capacity Management
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.7Annex A 12.2.1Protection Against Malware
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.8Annex A 12.6.1
Annex A 18.2.3
Management of Technical Vulnerabilities
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.9NEWConfiguration Management
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.10NEWInformation Deletion
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.11NEWData Masking
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.12NEWData Leakage Prevention
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.13Annex A 12.3.1Information Backup
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.14Annex A 17.2.1Redundancy of Information Processing Facilities
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.15Annex A 12.4.1
Annex A 12.4.2
Annex A 12.4.3
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.16NEWMonitoring Activities
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.17Annex A 12.4.4Clock Synchronization
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.18Annex A 9.4.4Use of Privileged Utility Programs
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.19Annex A 12.5.1
Annex A 12.6.2
Installation of Software on Operational Systems
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.20Annex A 13.1.1Networks Security
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.21Annex A 13.1.2Security of Network Services
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.22Annex A 13.1.3Segregation of Networks
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.23NEWWeb filtering
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.24Annex A 10.1.1
Annex A 10.1.2
Use of Cryptography
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.25Annex A 14.2.1Secure Development Life Cycle
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.26Annex A 14.1.2
Annex A 14.1.3
Application Security Requirements
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.27Annex A 14.2.5Secure System Architecture and Engineering Principles
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.28NEWSecure Coding
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.29Annex A 14.2.8
Annex A 14.2.9
Security Testing in Development and Acceptance
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.30Annex A 14.2.7Outsourced Development
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.31Annex A 12.1.4
Annex A 14.2.6
Separation of Development, Test and Production Environments
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.32Annex A 12.1.2
Annex A 14.2.2
Annex A 14.2.3
Annex A 14.2.4
Change Management
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.33Annex A 14.3.1Test Information
Technological ControlsAnnex A 8.34Annex A 12.7.1Protection of Information Systems During Audit Testing

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