Good staff communication and awareness of information security

Your people are one of the biggest reasons for the success of your business. They could also be one of the biggest reasons for its failure.

Whether you have 1 employee or 10,000, enables cost-effective engagement and awareness with staff. Considering its secure cloud nature, your trusted associates and supply chain can easily be involved if desired.

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Communicate and share

Over time, knowledge management becomes ingrained as a habit, and corporate memory is cemented as people come and go. Your ISMS plays an important part in that.

Use Groups to securely communicate and share information about your ISMS.

You can broadcast auditable updates using Notes, consult and collaborate on ISMS changes using visible and transparent Discussions. enables group members to view and digest all the relevant policies and controls, ensuring you stay aware and informed at all times.

Notify individual team members of areas relevant to them, and automatically generate emails and communications straight to their inbox. Do all of this whilst evidencing communication for audit purposes.


Work with your team

Encourage staff participation by using an ISMS Communications Group to document their observations and recommendations for improvement.

Empower team members to create Discussions, collaborate around solutions and evidence their findings.

Our platform aids you in building engagement in information security, by demonstrating that their suggestions have brought about positive change.


Set tasks to meet your deadlines

No more inefficient paper, spreadsheet or email to-dos. Tasking is available throughout the platform to manage the completion of work within your desired timescales.

Delegate tasks to members of your team and promote accountability and empowerment. You can then ensure staff confirm their understanding.

Review completed and outstanding tasks, as an individual, by a team or by work area. You can also use the power of the platform to celebrate and commiserate!

Monitor company policy awareness with Compliance Policy Packs

Three people at a desk working
ISO 27001 certification made easy

DORA is here! Supercharge your digital resilience today with our powerful new solution!