ISMS Business Case Builder – The Challenge is Growing

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Cybercrime and information loss is one of the most significant threats to nation states, business and society today.

Internationally the cost is many tens of billions of pounds, and consequences from poor security practices can be life affecting let alone business changing. Regulatory pressures for stronger privacy practices are growing too. The introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and a host of other national regulations has further increased the burden on organisations to protect personal and other data.

With overwhelming evidence being presented about the threats, many organisations still fail to take adequate steps to prevent harm against themselves, their customers or the supply chain. Certified standards such as ISO 27001:2013 and basic cyber hygiene e.g. from Cyber Essentials are becoming more popular but they are not yet mainstream.

Why is that?

An ISMS delivers a positive return on investment. The goal of our whitepaper is to show you why, what, and how you can get RoI from an ISMS that fits the business needs.

An image of a hooded individual with face hidden and holding a tablet computer.
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