academy headshots blog updated Academy. Where infosec learning and business objectives meet.

Only a month on from the launch of our Sydney data storage and hosting capabilities, we’re delighted to share this sneak peek at what’s coming next in the continuing evolution of Academy is the first accelerated learning programme of its kind and has been built to reflect the knowledge agenda of the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec). It comprises tutelage from real world specialists with an action learning syllabus that unifies the growth goals of the individual learner and their employer.

It’s no secret that the information security sector suffers from a severe shortage of skilled employees. If we’re going to plug the gap the industry needs more recruits, and those recruits need to enter at pace, and continue with a clearly defined, accelerated learning pathway. But we also need to acknowledge that qualified employees are in high demand and likely to be lured away from the very company that has invested in their professional development.

Traditionally, employer sponsored learning has meant a costly training course, alongside a cast iron commitment to ‘stay a long time or pay a lot’. We’re here to change that model with a unique and pragmatic approach that aligns an individual’s learning objectives with the day-to-day of their organisation’s information security operations.

Our approach is based on action learning. We know a thing or two about that, having achieved ISO 27001 – and ultimately building our leading GRC Tech platform as a result – by learning at the same time as working toward the goals that we’d set for our business. Just as we proved the concept of our platform internally before we took it to market, we’re doing the same with Academy.

Our first cohort (pictured) comprises new recruits to the family. These folks have joined us from all different walks of life but all have one thing in common: a desire to learn and succeed. We’ve already started putting them through their paces as we finesse the details of the syllabus that we’re aligning with the CIISec framework. Amanda Finch of CIISec has this to say,

“’s out-of-the-box GRC management system is impressive, and the approach they’re taking with the Academy is exactly the kind of innovation the sector needs to drive growth in skills and diversity. Participants will benefit from the innovative action-learning approach, applying the theory through their real-world roles, bringing more value for them and their organisation. Plus, it’s going to be highly effective at attracting new recruits to the sector which is something we’re passionate about at CIISec.”

To help us incubate the specialists of the future we’ve brought some heavy hitters onboard as Academy Advisors. Our Advisors are there to support the learners’ academic journey as it interrelates with their day-to-day jobs, so it’s vital they bring extensive real-world experience to the role.

One such advisor is Mike McDonald, who has recently joined the team as Academy Head. Mike’s pedigree in infosec and success in the international business world – along with his deep understanding of the CIISec knowledge agenda – makes him the perfect mentor for our ambitious learners.

When asked what drew him to Academy, Mike said,

“With the current skills shortage we face in the Information Security industry across all disciplines, it’s important to create several pathways to bring in new people from all walks-of-life, including career-changers. This supports that need perfectly, with the action-learning simulating the day-to-day issues found in many organisations and a syllabus that aligns to the latest industry competency frameworks.”

If you’d like to find out more about Academy, sign up to receive a prospectus.

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