How we helped LandTech turbocharge its ISMS

Achieving ISO 27001

The Challenge

LandTech had held ISO 27001 certification for a number of years but recognised their unwieldy, spreadsheet-based ISMS was showing its age. LandTech identified that their awareness levels dipped as they had more new starters joining the company. Their goal was to correct their awareness issue within the business and ensure that everybody is aligned with the policies and controls of ISO 27001.

“We wanted to correct the awareness issue to help tighten our security back up again and align everybody in the business on our ISO 27001 compliance”
Murat Doganer Senior IT Manager, LandTech

The content of the demo was absolutely spot on. All the examples used were things I was looking to get out of the program.

Murat Doganer, Senior IT Manager, LandTech

The Solution

We helped LandTech move their ISMS onto our much simpler, more secure and more sustainable platform. provided LandTech with structure, purpose-built workspaces, and tools that enabled them to get their ISMS quickly performing the way they wanted it.

“My experience with so far has been very personal, very rapid response and my success manager was really professional.”
Murat Doganer Senior IT Manager, LandTech

LandTech started using for much more than managing their ISO 27001 certification. Our awareness and communication capabilities within empowered Landtech employees to comply with the company procedures via Policy Packs.

“We also got the Policy Packs so that we can make sure that everybody is aware of these ISO policies.”
Murat Doganer Senior IT Manager, LandTech

They can now easily control policy compliance in one place with real-time oversight of their documentation at all times.

The Result

LandTech sailed through their ISO 27001 surveillance audit successfully thanks to the new environment they had created in They no longer waste time on unnecessary admin or have any worries about how or where to manage ISMS work processes.
Our Policy Packs feature helped LandTech share relevant policies with its employees, making sure they all clearly understood their InfoSec responsibilities and complied with ISO 27001.

“I have already recommended to some of my IT friends. I’m super impressed and I wish I knew about it sooner.”
Murat Doganer Senior IT Manager, LandTech

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help you with your ISO 27001 and compliance goals then book a demo today.

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